Chaza Nouri | Courtier immobilier | Re/Max


Chaza Nouri est une agente professionnelle qui peut répondre à tous vos besoins en immobilier ! Elle m’a aidé à acheter une propriété en un très court délai ! Elle est motivée et toujours disponible , je vous recommande grandement de lui lancer un coup de fil pour l’achat ou la vente d’une propriété!

Cydolla Assaf

Grâce à une excellente stratégie, Chaza est parvenue à vendre mes 2 appartement au dessus du prix de vente dont 1 a 50K au dessus! Très impressionnante, ne fais pas perdre de temps, très professionnelle, connaît son domaine et la législation immobilière. J’apprécie le temps qu’elle a pris à trouver la perle rare que je cherchais avec une négociation impeccable. Bref, j’ai trouvé mon agente à vie.

Nadia Hadji

Chaza made this whole experience between selling and then purchasing an absolute pleasure, always there for me and always informative, provided excellent guidance and informative advice as to what my next steps should be, an absolute pleasure to work with and highly recommended, a real rising star in the industry.


Super agent very honest person We are satisfied with her service in selling our triplex she is very helpful and very professional Helped us all along the transaction step-by-step and every step she was explaining the next step. Ofcourse we highly recommend her。


Chaza is very knowledgeable of the market, quality of the property and gives a good advice on the strategy of selling. Planing to purchase a property and will definitely work with her again

Sam Monahan

Great experience, we sold fast at asking price She knows her job very well, and we are currently looking to purchase a unit with her. The advice that she offers us is very friendly and trusting


Great Service, Great Agent and Great Selling Price. The condo got sold in a very short time with a price close to the asking price! Will definitely work with Chaza again and again and again.

Hafez Massara

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